Leader Guide

Tossing Game

  • Q&A Sheet
  • One container—empty trash can, bucket, box, etc.
  • Optional: three blindfolds
  • Optional: masking tape
  • Chalkboard and chalk to keep score
  • Three beanbags. For smaller classes you can use one or two bean bags. Bean bags can be made by placing sand, soil, dried rice or beans, or un-popped popcorn into a strong, sealable bag. Seal with duct or shipping tape to keep bags from opening during game

Make one copy of the Q&A Sheet.

Place a line or mark on the floor.

Place the container about 10-12 feet from the line or mark.

Make beanbags, if necessary.

Let’s say our SuperTruth together. “I am a child of God, and He will reveal Himself to me.” The best way for a child of God to find out about Jesus is by reading the Bible. What are some things you found out about Jesus from our Bible story about Saul’s encounter with Jesus?

Today, we are going to play a game to reveal more about Jesus! Let’s get started.

You will each have a chance to earn a point by tossing a beanbag into the container—blindfolded! Then you can earn additional points by listening to a Scripture and saying what it reveals about Jesus. Sometimes the Scripture may include more than one trait or description, so listen carefully. Some traits may be repeated; that’s okay! I will read the verse one more time if you ask me to. You get two points for each trait you correctly identify.

Divide the class into two teams. Teams will alternate turns; three players play on each turn. The first three players for Team 1 stand behind the line or mark, are each given a beanbag, and are blindfolded, or cover their eyes with one hand. Each player tries to toss a beanbag into the container. The team scores one point for each beanbag that goes in. The players can remove their blindfolds after tossing their beanbags. The teacher reads a question to the three players from the Q&A sheet. Give two additional points for each trait that is correctly identified. Be open and award a point for other traits that children uncover that may not be listed here! Always encourage children for trying even when their answers may be wrong. Say things like, “That is a very godly trait, good answer, interesting guess, creative response, but ...” Also, if traits are missed, read the sentence to both teams and ask them what they think is revealed about Jesus here. The idea is to show the children how to dig and give an opportunity to the Holy Spirit to reveal things to them they didn’t see before. The first three players of Team 2 then take a turn. Continue until all children have had a chance to play. The team with the most points wins.

Great job everyone! It’s really fun to learn about Jesus through reading the Bible. As new things about Jesus are revealed to us, we can ask the Holy Spirit to help us show plainly those traits and characteristics in our lives, too!