Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard or chalkboard, marker or chalk
  • Eraser

Write the SuperVerse on the board in sections as shown:

  1. But while Peter was in prison,
  2. the church prayed
  3. very earnestly for him.

[ALL:] Acts 12:5   

King Herod Agrippa was a wicked man. He had the apostle James killed and saw how much it pleased the Jewish people. Herod then ordered Peter to be arrested and put in prison. (See Acts 12:1–4.)     

Peter had no chance of escaping on his own. However, the church prayed for Peter. How does our SuperVerse say they prayed? Very earnestly.

What does that mean? Children answer.     

To pray earnestly means to pray seriously, sincerely, and with determination. The church loved Peter and the work he did to spread the Gospel. Thousands had been saved through his preaching. Many believers were praying earnestly for him.     

God heard the church’s prayers and miraculously freed Peter from prison! What was he doing when the angel appeared? He was sleeping.

Who was on either side of him? Roman soldiers.

Yes, Peter and two soldiers were chained together. That’s why we’ll divide into groups of three to learn our SuperVerse. 

Divide the class into groups of three children. If necessary, a leader or leaders can join a group to make it three people. Have each group decide who should say each of the three parts of the verse, then practice saying it in order several times, looking at the board if necessary. All members of the group should say the reference at the end of the verse. 

Next, explain that the first and third people in each group are Roman soldiers, and the second person in each group is Peter. The “soldiers” should stand on either side and lightly hold “Peter’s” arms as if they’re all chained together in a row.  

Explain that you will count to three, then all of the groups will say the SuperVerse together, with each member saying the part they practiced. When everyone is saying the reference at the end of the verse, the “soldiers” should let go of “Peter” and all group members should raise their hands in the air because God answers prayer. Erase the board and repeat.     

Great job! You have all learned the SuperVerse. Now, who remembers our SuperTruth? Let’s pretend we’re sleeping like Peter and say the SuperTruth with our eyes closed. “Prayer produces results."

Remember that whenever you pray!