Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Plate
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Thyme
  • Plastic spoon
  • Piece of real wool
  • Table  
  • Trash can   
  • Cloth     

Practice this experiment so you can do it smoothly.    

Pour about a teaspoon of thyme in the spoon. Don’t mention this herb until the end. Gather the children around a table. Pour about 1 teaspoon of salt on the plate.

This salt represents each of us, or the people in God’s church. The Bible calls us the salt of the earth. (See Matthew 5:13.) 

What did the church do when Peter was arrested and put in prison? They prayed very earnestly. 

Let’s say the SuperVerse together. Acts 12:5: 

But while Peter was in prison, the church prayed very earnestly for him.

Sprinkle about 1 teaspoon of pepper on the plate. 

This pepper represents our thoughts and words that we tell God through prayer—our hopes, dreams, worries, and concerns. 

Rub the plastic spoon over the wool several times. This spoon represents God. Watch what happens when I wave the spoon over the salt and pepper. 

As you slowly wave the plastic spoon about 1 inch above the plate, the pepper goes up to the spoon. Our prayers go straight to God. 

You are probably wondering what is in the spoon. It is a type of herb called thyme (pronounced “time”). The thyme represents the results of prayers, or God’s answers.    

Tilt the spoon so that the thyme drops onto the salt and plate. In God’s perfect “thyme,” He answers prayers. Like Peter, we must be confident and patient knowing that prayer brings results!     

Empty the plate in the trash and remove the pepper from the bottom of the spoon. Give each child an opportunity to try this experiment. 

Conclusion: God heard the prayers of the church and freed Peter. Today, He still hears every prayer and answers at the right time according to His plan.