Leader Guide


  • Four boxes—each large enough to hold three inflated balloons   
  • Twelve round balloons—plus extras for breakage
  • Paper plates—one per child plus extras
  • Permanent marker
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App


For larger classes, add six balloons and two boxes for every additional team.

Blow up the balloons and tie closed.

For each set of six balloons, write one word on each balloon: Love, Wisdom, Forgiveness, Possessions, Gifts, Jesus.

Who can tell me the answer to the Large Group question: exactly how did the angel awaken Peter? The angel poked or struck Peter on the side.      


The people praying for Peter did not know how God was going to rescue him, yet they prayed in faith. 

This game is based on our SuperTruth; let’s say it together. “I will freely give what I receive.”    


Hold up each of the six different balloons so the children can see the words written on them.

Peter freely gave what he had—the authority and power of Jesus to heal and set the man free! We have received that same authority and power. These balloons represent just a few of the many blessings, riches and gifts we continually receive from God. He freely gives them to us and wants us to freely share them with others. In this game, you will receive one of God’s blessings and then immediately give it to the person next to you. 

Divide the children into two equal teams. A leader may need to play. Ideally, teams should consist of eight or fewer children. 

Have the teams form separate lines. The two teams will face each other, with several feet between the lines.   

The players of each team will line up side by side, an arm’s length between players.

Place a box at each end of both lines.

Place three balloons of one set of six on the floor at each end of a team’s line. Repeat for the other team.

Give a paper plate to each player.

Start the game. An end player on each team puts a balloon on the plate and then carefully passes it to the next player’s plate. That player passes it to the next player, and so on. The balloon is received and given this way until it reaches the player at the other end of the line. That player then slides the balloon from the plate into the box.   

As soon as the first player passes a balloon, another balloon is immediately put on the plate to pass again.

Once all three balloons from one end have been passed, the last player passes the three balloons on the floor in the same way in the opposite direction to the other box. The first team to put three balloons in each box wins.  

Note: If a balloon falls to the floor at any time, it must be picked up by the player and put on a plate, and play resumes at that point.   

Optional play: The end players on each team start a balloon at the same time. When the two balloons meet in the middle, the players with the balloons must exchange the balloons with each other by tossing one in the air and quickly passing the other before catching the first balloon or by some other method. The rest of the game play is the same. 

Conclusion: How did it feel to keep giving what you received? Children answer.

God gives us good things so we will share what we receive with others. When we do, others can experience His goodness. Let’s find out more about that in today’s teaching!