Leader Guide


  • Lame Man Walks Coloring Page     
  • Crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers


Make one copy of the Lame Man Walks Coloring Page for each child, plus extras.

Give a coloring page to each child. Give crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers to the children to share. Lead a discussion using the questions below as children color their pages. 

  • Where did the man who was lame sit and beg? At the Temple gate.  
  • How did he get to the gate each day? People carried him.
  • How long had he been unable to walk? Since he was born.
  • What did the man ask Peter and John for? Money.
  • What did Peter and John ask the man to do before healing him? To look at them.
  • What did Peter say they didn’t have to give? Silver or Gold.
  • What did they have to give? JesusHis healing power.
  • What was the man doing as he went into the Temple? He was walking, leaping, and praising God.   


Close in prayer: Dear God, Peter and John gave the lame man more than money. He was healed and walked for the first time in his life. Help us to always be ready to share Jesus with others so they can experience His power. In His name we pray, Amen.