Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Whiteboard and marker; or chalkboard and chalk  
  • Four small paper plates (7 inch); standard size will also work
  • Two empty paper towel rolls or tubes
  • Empty cereal box or snack cracker box
  • One small box or container large enough to tape a paper plate to—shorter than the cereal box 
  • Ten bouncy balls or marbles  
  • Bowl to hold the bouncy balls or marbles
  • Marker  
  • Painters tape or masking tape
  • Knife or scissors
  • Table


Draw a simple happy face on two paper plates.

Draw a sad face on one plate and a frown face on the remaining plate.  

Fold the top flaps inside the box or cut them off so the top is open. 

Place a loop of tape on the back of a sad face plate and a happy face plate. Then tape one to the front and one to the back of the smaller box.

Place the cereal or snack box on its side. Stand a paper towel roll or tube near the top of it and use it as a pattern to trace a circle. Repeat for the other side.

Use the knife to carefully cut out the two circles you have traced. 

Carefully cut one paper towel roll in half. 

Partially insert a half roll in the hole on each side of the cereal or snack box.

Place a loop of tape on the happy face and frown face plates. Tape one plate near the top of the front and back of the cereal or snack box.   

Practice the demonstration, especially removing and inserting the tubes, so it will go smoothly in class. 

Let’s say our SuperTruth together. “I will freely give what I receive.”  


Stand behind the table. Place the cereal or snack box (with the two half tubes inserted) on the table—frown face visible to the children. Place the box on the table with the sad face toward the class and next to the cereal box. Place the bowl of balls on the table.

We have been discussing how God generously gives to us. He does that to provide all we need and so that we might freely give to others who have needs. Peter had something more valuable to share than money. He shared the love and power of Jesus and brought healing to the lame man. 

Let’s take a look at our two friends here.

Point to the small box. Let’s say this person is sad because he doesn’t feel loved.

Point to the cereal box. This person is a follower of Jesus and daily receives God’s love.

What do you think Jesus’ follower should do? Share God’s love.  


Let’s see what happens as God freely gives His love.

Hold up two balls. These balls represent God’s love.

Roll the balls into the cereal box tube on the left side.


What just happened here? Jesus’ follower received God’s love. 


Hold up the cereal box and shake it. You are right; it’s in there! Yet the love wasn’t given to the other person. Tilt the small box which is empty.   

Well, that’s not the way we learned it should work. What does the SuperTruth say? “I will freely give what I receive.”


Point to the small box. Let’s try again. This person needs forgiveness now. 

Point to the cereal box. Jesus’ follower has been forgiven and continues to receive forgiveness from Jesus every day. Hold up two balls and roll them down the tube. 

This believer received forgiveness. Shake the cereal box—I hear it!         

Show the children the inside of the small box. Do you see any forgiveness in here? No! 


Point to the cereal box. Let’s say this believer has been praying and the Holy Spirit revealed that he hasn’t freely shared the blessings received from God.

Pick up the cereal box and turn your back to the class so the children cannot see. Remove the half tubes from each side of the cereal box and insert the whole tube so it is visible on both sides of the cereal box. Place the cereal box on the table with the happy face visible.  Make sure that the tube on the right side of the box is positioned over the small box so the ball will roll into it.  

Point to the small box. This person needs love, forgiveness, salvation, and wisdom now.

Point to the cereal box. Remember, our friend’s heart and attitude have been changed since the Holy Spirit spoke to him.

Hold up the remaining balls. These balls represent God’s love, forgiveness, salvation, and wisdom. What do you think will happen? Children answer.


Roll the balls into the left side of the tube and they will drop into the small box.

Pick up the small box and tilt it so they children can see the balls inside. Wow, this time our friend freely gave what he received from God!

Turn the small box around to reveal the happy face. This is God’s will, to share His love and generosity with others so they may experience His goodness.  

Read 2 Corinthians 9:8: 

And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.  

Optional: for fun, ask the children if they know how the balls came through in the second part of the presentation.