Leader Guide


  • Paper plates – two per child plus extras.
  • Two poster boards
  • Yardstick or tape measure
  • Marker
  • Pencil
  • Red and black crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers
  • Painters tape or masking tape
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

For smaller classes you can play as a large group with one “world” poster. Play against the clock for the quickest time to place all the plates on the board. Or, give each child four plates and each child will take more turns.

With the pencil, draw a large circle to represent the world on each poster board. Try to make the circles about the same size.

In large letters, write “TROUBLE” inside each circle.

Once you are satisfied with the pencil drawing, trace over it with the marker.

Lay out the game according to the drawing:

Place the two poster boards at one end of the room, leaving about four feet of space between them.

Tape a line on the floor three feet from the poster. Then tape a starting line nine feet away from the first line.

Peter waited patiently in his prison cell, trusting in God. The Bible tells us that we will face trouble; yet, in Jesus, we can have peace and victory. Read John 16:33:

"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in Me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

In this game, you are going to “take heart.” To take heart means to take courage, or to be brave. We are not brave in our own strength, but in Jesus, because His power overcomes the world!

Divide the children into two equal teams. Give each child two plates. If teams are unequal, give two extra plates to the team with one less player and have two players play twice. Have children draw a heart on each plate, color it red, then write “Jesus” on the heart with the black crayon or marker.

This plate represents “taking heart” in Jesus so you can be courageous when trouble comes. When it’s your turn, you will toss the plate to overcome the world. The world and its troubles are overcome by covering it up with the plates. The teams will play at the same time as a relay.

Let’s say the SuperTruth together:

"Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying."  Romans 12:12

The verse tells us to be patient in times of trouble. You will not be able to overcome the world with the first try. You must be patient, take heart and not give up! You will make it!

Have teams form two lines behind the starting line.

Stack each team’s plates or put them in two separate piles.

Start the game by saying, “Take heart in Jesus!”

The first players on both teams “take heart” by grabbing a plate and then tossing it toward the “world” at the other end. The players will continue to toss their plates from the spot their plates land. Players cannot step over the last line closest to the world as they toss. They must retrieve a missed plate and step back over the line to toss again.

When players get close to the world, they need to try to aim the plate to cover up as much of the world as possible. They will toss the plate until it lands on part of the poster board or world.

The player will then quickly return to the starting line and the next player will go. When all players have tossed both of their plates, determine the winners. There are two ways to win: 1. The team that finishes first. 2. The team that covers up the most surface of the world.

Play again if time permits.

Conclusion: Read 1 John 5:4:

For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith.We can take heart knowing that Jesus has given us the victory over this world! Let us always put our confident hope in Him and be patient in times of trouble.

Now, it’s time for our Signpost teaching where we will learn more about our victory in Christ, who has overcome the world!