Leader Guide

Review Game

  • True and False Question List
  • Two chairs
  • One container: box, bucket, or small trash can
  • Two different color socks
  • Sixth-grade helper or another volunteer to keep score   
  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk to keep score

Make a copy of the True and False Question List.

Place the two chairs side by side in the middle of the room.

Place the container about 10–15 feet from the chairs. 

Roll each sock into a ball.

This is the last lesson in the Superbook adventure about Peter’s escape from prison. So, we are going to play a fun review game to help us remember the important truths we have learned. This is a True and False question game where you will have not one, but two chances to score points for your team! You can score points by answering questions correctly and also by tossing a balled-up sock into the container. 

When the lame man was healed, he jumped up to his feet. (See Acts 3:8.) A player from each team will take a turn sitting in a chair. I will read a question; to answer “false,” you will stay seated. To answer “true,” leap to your feet! Then, for another chance to score points, you will sit in the chair and try to toss a sock ball into a container. You can score two points for a correct answer and one point for a sock tossed into the container. That means every player has an opportunity to score up to three points on a turn. Let’s play!


Divide the children into two teams—they do not need to be even.

Have each team line up behind a chair.

A player from each team sits in a chair and answers the same question.

Then the players each have a chance to toss a balled-up sock in the container.

Have a sixth-grade helper or another volunteer keep score on the board.

The players then retrieve the socks for the next players.

The team with the most points wins.  

Optional: when the answer is “false,” ask teams for the true answer and award a bonus point if it's correct. You may also ask additional bonus questions related to the original one.