Leader Guide


  • Gizmo’s X-Ray Scanner
  • Pencils 
  • Cardstock—two sheets per child
  • Children’s scissors
  • Crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers    
  • Brass roundhead paper fasteners—one per child   
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Copy Gizmo’s X-Ray Scanner, one per child plus extras.  

On each one, use a sharp pencil to carefully poke a hole in Gizmo’s helmet where indicated.

Make a model of the craft to display in class. 

If you were here for a previous lesson, how did Gizmo locate Peter in prison? With his X-Ray Scanner.


Today, you will create your own X-Ray scanner with interchangeable faceplates!  

Give Gizmo’s X-Ray Scanner, a pencil, children’s scissors, and a brass roundhead paper fastener to each child. Provide crayons, colored pencils, or markers to share. Have children carefully cut out Gizmo’s helmet and scanner arm, color them, and write their names on the back. On the faceplate, have them draw Peter in chains with the two prison guards, and the angel. Demonstrate how to attach the arm to the helmet with the fastener. Be prepared to assist any child with special needs. Allow children to share their “scanners” with the class.  

They may draw another Bible scene on the other faceplate if time allows or take home to finish.


Conclusion: Peter did not have any human hope for rescue. This craft can remind you that God knows where we are all the time and we can trust Him when we face trials and troubles. Who can say today’s SuperTruth from memory? “Jesus has overcome the world.”