Leader Guide

Action Game

Make a copy of the Hall Monitor Badge in color or black and white.

Cut out the badge with scissors.

Place a rolled piece of tape on the back of the badge to stick to the leader’s shirt. 

Jia Wei (“J–eye-uh Way”), the hall monitor, really liked his job, didn’t he! What part did he seem to enjoy the most? Making sure everyone obeyed the rules.

What did Jia Wei wear so people could recognize him as a hall monitor? A badge and security vest.

What technology was installed so Jia Wei could enforce rule violations? Fingerprint confirmation and video surveillance.

The game we are about to play is all about following what Jia Wei says—and as you probably guessed, it’s similar to “Simon Says.” You will have a chance to move around and have fun—but you need to listen carefully and only obey an instruction that begins with the words “Jia Wei says.” If you obey a command that is not from Jia Wei, you must leave the game for one instruction, and then you may come back in to play. Don’t worry; Jia Wei will not require fingerprint confirmation for any violations! Are you ready to listen carefully and follow the instructions?    

You may substitute “Hall monitor says” for “Jia Wei says” if it’s easier. Choose an older child to be Jia Wei and wear the badge and optional vest; or you or another leader may be Jia Wei. You may also switch leaders after several commands. Have children make rows and leave at least an arm’s length of space between each other. Use other adult leaders or sixth grade helpers to spot children who don’t follow the instructions and send them in and out of the game. Be prepared to help children with special needs or to adjust instructions accordingly. Use the instruction list below; add “Jia Wei says” to any instruction. Repeat instructions with or without “Jia Wei says” to see how well the children are listening. Add your own instructions as desired.

  • Put both hands in the air.
  • Pretend to knock on a door.
  • Wave at the teacher.
  • Give a thumbs-up sign.
  • Walk in place with good posture.
  • Place both hands on top of your head.
  • Do three jumping jacks.
  • Shout the centurion’s name. (Cornelius)
  • Stand on one leg.
  • Hop on one leg.
  • Run in place.
  • Fold your hands as if you’re praying.
  • Take two steps to the right.
  • Take two steps to the left.
  • Stretch your left arm out to the side.
  • Place both arms across your chest.
  • Stand at attention.
  • Shout who prayed on the roof. (Peter)
  • Smile as big as you can. 
  • Say Good morning to the person on your right.
  • Scratch your head.
  • Put both hands out in front of you.   
  • Jump up and down three times.
  • Hop once on your left foot and twice on your right foot.
  • Touch your feet with both hands.
  • Wave both arms in the air.
  • Shout the SuperTruth. (God shows no favoritism.)

Conclusion: You really followed Jia Wei’s instructions carefully. Rules are important to help keep us safe and to keep order. As we learned with Peter, it is also important to listen to and obey the instructions of the Holy Spirit, even when we don’t fully understand why. He will always lead and guide us in God’s truth.