Leader Guide

Musical Game

  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • Plastic or latex disposable glove
  • Worship or praise music

Blow up the glove like a balloon and tie off.

Note: You can substitute a cloth or rubber glove to pass around and not inflate it, if you prefer.

Have children sit in a circle on the floor. Have a helper or an older student in charge of the music.

Our SuperTruth today tells us that Jesus humbled Himself and became a servant. As the music plays we will pass around the helping hand that represents serving. The music will stop and whoever has the glove will tell us something about today’s Superbook video and Bible story.

Children can say something such as, Jesus came to serve, Judas betrayed Jesus, Mary used perfume to anoint Jesus, Jesus washed their feet, or just name a character in the Bible story.

This game is like musical chairs in some ways but the good part about this game is that no one loses their seat and leaves the game!