Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • Optional: masking tape

Mark or tape a line at one end of the room.

The SuperVerse for today, Philippians 2:3, says:

Don’t be jealous or proud, but be humble and consider others more important than yourselves.

Jesus came into the world to serve, not to be served. When we follow His example and consider others more important than ourselves, we place their needs in front of our own. Luke 13:30b says:

“Some are last who will be first and some are first who will be last.”

In other words, when we are humble and place other people in front of us, God honors us and gives us favor. If we are proud and think of ourselves as more important than others - God is not pleased.

Let’s play a fun game about being first and last.

Divide the class into teams of no more than five or six children in a group. Each team forms a single file line on the opposite end of the room from the mark or tape line. Leave several feet of distance between the teams. The object of the game is to move the team from one end of the room to the mark at the other end and then back again. How the teams move is what is unique about this game! Each team’s line advances forward when the last player in line “peels off” and walks quickly to the front of the line, then the next player, and so on. The player who was first in line will eventually be the last and then move to the front again! Once the team reaches the end mark, they will turn around and start over with the end player walking to the front again. The first team to reach the starting line wins.

Note: You could have players on the second phase of the game turn around and walk backward to the front to advance for more of a challenge.

How did you like that game? It was different wasn’t it?

How did it feel to be first and then find yourself last again?

God is pleased when we put other people first and consider them more important than ourselves! This shows humility and respect for others. Our SuperTruth says, “I will be humble and respectful to others.” Let’s say that together.