Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • Sheets of paper
  • Scissors
  • Pencils
  • Trash bag

Cut the paper into strips measuring about 8.5" x 1"—one per child.

Earlier we talked about ways to serve others. When we take the time to serve, we show that we respect others and consider their needs important. It is good to serve, but it is just as important to serve with a humble attitude! Jesus modeled this for us. He never bragged or called attention to His service. He also never complained or was selfish with His time. These attitudes can show disrespect.

Distribute pencils and paper to children.

Let’s take a minute to remember a time when you may have done what you were asked to do, but not with a humble attitude. Perhaps you grumbled or argued. Or perhaps you disobeyed and didn’t do the task at all. Write down your thoughts without showing your papers to anyone, then fold them up as we pray. Allow children a minute to think and write.

Pray: Lord Jesus, we confess to You times when we have been selfish, prideful or disrespectful. We are truly sorry and ask You to forgive us. Teach us to serve others as You did with joy and a humble heart. In Your name, Amen.

Read Hebrews 8:12:

“And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins.”

What happens when we confess our sins to God?

God forgives us and forgets about our sin—and we can, too! Let’s tear up our papers into little tiny pieces and throw them away! Pass around a trash bag for children to throw out their shredded papers.