Leader Guide

Balloon Object Lesson

  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Balloon—medium/large size—filled with ordinary air
  • Balloon—medium/large size—filled with helium
  • String, about 3 feet long
  • Marker
  • Optional: instead of balloons, you may use a ping pong ball and a rock in a clear bowl of water

Tie the string onto the helium balloon.

Write “Humble” in large letters on the helium balloon or ping pong ball.

Write “Proud” in large letters on the other balloon or rock.

Jesus was teaching a crowd and His disciples one day. He began to talk about how many religious leaders were full of pride. These leaders showed off, wanting others to see all of the religious things that they did. They prayed out loud, and they gave money when others were watching. They believed all the things they did made them closer to God. They were jealous of Jesus because of the crowds that followed Him. Read Matthew 23:11-12Jesus said,

“The greatest among you must be a servant. But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

To exalt mean to raise or to lift up to elevate in rank. This is the opposite of what our SuperVerse, Philippians 2:3, is saying:

Don’t be jealous or proud, but be humble and consider others more important than yourselves.

Hold up the “Proud” balloon so the children can see the writing. The religious leaders exalted or lifted themselves up. As you talk, throw the balloon up and then bounce it off your hand into the air each time it falls.They elevated their rank above others. They believed they were more important than other people and that God saw them as holier and more righteous than others. Look at the balloon, does it stay up in the air when it is lifted up or exalted?

What happens each time it goes up? It comes down.

Isn’t that what the verse tells us will happen? If you exalt yourself, you will be humbled; in other words you will be brought down low! Sometimes, like in this case, it happens right away. In other cases, it happens over time.

Now, let’s look at what happens when we humble ourselves. Take the helium-filled “humble” balloon and lower it to the ground. When we humble or don’t exalt ourselves, we will be exalted. Hold the string and let the balloon rise up on its own as high as the ceiling if possible - or as far as it will rise and you can still pull it down with the string when finished. In other words, God will lift us up!

Leave the “humble” balloon in the air. Throw the “proud” balloon up a few times again and watch it fall to the ground. Do you see the difference? I exalted or raised the “proud” balloon myself, and it always comes back down. But, I did not exalt or raise up the “humble” balloon, and it stays up! If we will humble ourselves, God will exalt us!

Why are these balloons different?

The “proud” balloon is filled with ordinary air, while the “humble” balloon is filled with helium. We need God’s Holy Spirit to fill our lives so we can be humble. When we fill our lives with our own air, we will fail. But God’s Spirit will fill us with His power to live a life of love, humbleness and kindness!