Leader Guide


  • Four small balls - two per team
  • Twenty disposable cups - ten per team
  • Optional: masking tape

Mark or tape a line about 10 feet from where the sets of cups will be stacked.

Divide the class into two teams. Have an adult or sixth grade helper assist in keeping score. The children will serve each other by setting up their team’s cups into a pyramid: four on the bottom, three on the next level, two on the next row, then one at the top. Each player on a team will get two turns in a row to try to knock down all the cups by rolling the ball. That player then will serve by stacking the next player’s cups. Have a helper keep score of how many cups each team stacks up - rather than knocks down - to reward the efforts to rebuild. The team with the highest score wins.

Did you prefer stacking the cups or rolling the ball?

Yes, it would be fun to just roll the ball over and over and have others stack the cups and return the balls to you, wouldn’t it? But, we learned something very different from Jesus and how He lived His life on Earth. He didn’t come to Earth to be served—He humbled Himself and came to serve others!

Alternative Play Ideas:

  • The game can be played with two balls - one per team - by returning the ball before each roll.
  • As an added connection to the SuperTruth, substitute a rolled-up sock for each ball and emphasize that we are to follow in Jesus’ footsteps.
  • For smaller classes, play with one set of cups and work as a group for the highest score possible.