Leader Guide

Shoes Object Lesson

  • Bibles or the Superbook; Bible App
  • Various shoes or images of them, such as fire-fighter boots, dress shoes, tennis shoes, soccer cleats, ballet or tap shoes, construction/work boots, cowboy boots, swimming flippers, hospital shoe covers

Gather the shoes or images from the Internet.

Have you ever heard it said that someone was “following in their footsteps”? It means to copy or imitate the way someone lives his/her life. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Hold up a shoe or image. Who wants to be a ____? Ask the same question for each type of shoe and briefly discuss the responsibilities that a person in that job would have. Ask how they think that person could serve others and show God’s love.

No matter what shoes you wear when you are grown up, remember to follow in Jesus’ footsteps! Who can tell us our SuperTruth for today? “I will follow Jesus by serving like He did.”

Who knows what a sermon is?

Many people don’t ever go to church—so how can they ever hear a sermon about Jesus?

Did you ever think that you are a living sermon?

Some of your friends may not come to church, but if they know you’re a Christian, they will watch you to see what one of Jesus’ followers does. This is why it’s so important for us to follow in Jesus’ ways and treat other people with kindness, gentleness and humbleness. If we are rude, proud, angry, or mean, what kind of sermon will we be “preaching” with our actions?

What kind of message does Jesus want us to preach with our actions?

Jesus wants us to love others. What would you say love is?

Some people think love is a just a warm and fuzzy feeling. But the Bible describes love in a different way. Have children look up and read 1 Corinthians 13:4–5:

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.

Discuss how the passage lists very practical actions not feelings. Explain any words or phrases that the children don’t understand.

No matter what activity or job we do, we always need to follow Jesus’ example of love and treat others as He did.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, help us remember to follow in Your footsteps, especially when we are tempted to be proud, impatient or angry. Give us Your power to love and serve others. We want to live for You so we can bring honor and glory to Your name. Amen.