Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard or chalkboard, marker or chalk
  • Eraser
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Write the SuperVerse on the board as it appears below:

“I will send you the Spirit

who comes from the Father

and shows what is true.

The Spirit will help you

and will tell you about Me.”

John 15:26

Have the children stand side-by-side in a single row, facing the board so they can see the SuperVerse.

Let’s all read the SuperVerse together from the board. John 15:26:

“I will send you the Spirit who comes from the Father and shows what is true. The Spirit will help you and will tell you about Me.”  

When Jesus’ time on earth was coming to an end, He knew the disciples would still need Him to guide them and encourage them. He knew that He would not be with them physically anymore, so He promised to send the Holy Spirit to show them God’s truth. We can trust what the Spirit says because He is sent by God, the source of true wisdom.

We are going to learn the SuperVerse by saying it aloud in different voices. We will start at one end. I will tell each person the type of voice to use in saying a phrase as it appears on the board.

Start at one end and tell each child a different voice to use on his/her turn. You may tell the children so everyone can hear, or you may quietly whisper to each child so the others cannot hear.

Choose from the following voices in random order, plus add your own.

Robot voice, shout, deep bass voice, high squeaky voice, opera singer, baby talk, preacher, whisper, etc.

Starting at one end of the row, have each child say a phrase in their assigned voice. Keep repeating the verse until all children have had a turn. If time allows, repeat the activity, allowing the children to choose the voices they’d like to use on their turn.

If children cannot memorize this verse, make sure they understand its meaning.