Leader Guide


  • Index cards or small sheets of papers, one per child 
  • Pencils, one per child
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Jesus asked a man who was cured of blindness if he believed in the Son of God. The man asked Jesus who the Son of God was so he could believe. Jesus responded, “You have seen Him, and He is speaking to you!” The man then said, “Yes, Lord, I believe!” (See John 9:35–38.)   

The man’s physical eyes had been healed; now his spiritual eyes were also opened, and he believed. Let’s say the SuperTruth together. “The Holy Spirit opens my eyes to the truth.”

Give each child a pencil and an index card or small piece of paper. Write down the names of people who need to know the truth about Jesus—that He is the Son of God, the Savior of the world. This could be a friend, a neighbor, classmate, or a family member—anyone whose eyes need to be opened. No one else will see this card; it is between you and God. When you have finished, fold your card in half. Allow time for children to write.

Now, hold your folded card up in the air to God and close your eyes while I pray for us.  

Close in prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for revealing the truth to us so we can believe in You. Today, the children have written down the names of people who need to know You. Open the eyes of these people so they can believe that You are the Son of God who loves them and died for them. Speak to their hearts and draw them close to You. Help us remember to pray for these people every day. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.