Leader Guide

Maze Activity

Make copies of the maze, one per child plus extras. 

Give each child a copy of the maze and a pencil. Have children write their names at the bottom. Lead a discussion using the questions and answers below as the children complete the activity.  

  • In the video, Jesus healed blind men in three cities. Can you remember one or more without any hints?

           Here is a hint for each one (if needed):

              The first city in not easy to SAY and it begins with the letter B. Bethsaida.

              The next city is where the walls fell down in another Bible story. Jericho.

              The third city is where God’s Temple was built. Jerusalem.    

  • Can you name two unusual ways that Jesus healed the men’s blindness? He spit on one man’s eyes. He smeared mud on the other’s eyes then told him to wash the mud off in the pool of Siloam.  
  • Did Jesus touch Bartimaeus? No. What did Jesus do to heal him? He spoke and told him his faith had healed him.
  • How do you think Bartimaeus displayed faith to Jesus? He would not give up even when others told him to be quiet—he got even louder. He was a beggar, so he could have just asked for money—but he was bold and asked Jesus to heal him.
  • Have you ever prayed and asked God to heal you or someone else?
  • Why do you think Jesus used different methods to heal the three men? God is all-powerful. He can do anything He wants, using any method He wants. He knows what each person needs, and He can do something different for each one of us.

Conclusion: Take your maze home and talk with your family about the different ways that Jesus healed the men who were blind.