Leader Guide

Coloring Page

Make one copy of the Bartimaeus Coloring Page for each child, plus extras.

Give a coloring page to each child along with crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers to share. Lead a discussion using the questions below as children color their pages.

  • What did Bartimaeus cry out for as Jesus passed nearby? For mercy.
  • What did Jesus do when He heard Bartimaeus? He told His followers to tell Bartimaeus to come to Him.
  • What did Bartimaeus tell Jesus that he wanted? He wanted to see.
  • Fill in the blank for this question: Jesus said to Bartimaeus, Go, for your ______ has healed you. Faith.
  • The first man Jesus healed in Bethsaida returned home. Bartimaeus did something different; what did he do after he was healed? He followed Jesus.
  • Who can close their eyes and say today’s SuperTruth? “I will follow Jesus.”

Give children an opportunity to share their coloring pages with the class.

What an amazing testimony Bartimaeus could share with the crowds that came to hear Jesus. As we follow Jesus, we can share with others the blessings and hope we have in Him.