Leader Guide

Review Game

  • True and False Signs
  • True and False Question List
  • Two identical containers: pots, boxes, buckets, or small trash cans
  • Six pieces of cardstock
  • Four socks of two different colors
  • Sixth-grade helper to keep score
  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk to keep score
  • Painters tape or masking tape 

Make three copies each of the True and False Signs on cardstock.

Make a copy of the True and False Question List.

Tape a True Sign to one container and a False Sign to the other container.

Place the containers on the floor. Leave some space between them. Place against a wall for bank shots if desired.

Roll each sock into a ball.

Tape True and False Sign sets on the floor for Team 1 and Team 2 several feet from the containers—see illustration.

Place a set of same-color socks next to each floor sign. 

In our lessons about Jesus healing the blind, we learned how Jesus restores people’s physical sight and spiritual sight. Let’s say our SuperTruth together. “Jesus is the light of the world.” 

The name of our true and false review game is the “Open Eye Review.”

Step back and forth on the floor signs and then toss a sock as you describe the game.

This is a True and False question game where you will have up to three chances to score points for your team! Here is how the game is played. I will ask the same question to a player for each team. You will answer by standing on either the True or False sign. That’s right—you don’t even have to speak! When both players are standing on their sign choice, I will reveal the answer. You score one point for a correct answer. Then, you will have two chances to toss a sock into the container of the correct answer. The first time you toss a sock, you will turn your back to the container so you cannot see it. This represents spiritual darkness. The second time, you may face the container so you can see where to throw; your sight has been restored! So, if the correct answer is true, you score up to two more two points by tossing both socks into the True container.

There is one more way to score a point. When the correct answer is false, the current players can talk with their teammates to determine the correct answer. Then the current player on both teams will whisper the answer to me. If it is correct, you score one more point! Let’s play!

Divide the children into two teams. If they are unequal, one player may take two turns.