Leader Guide


  • Two large boxes, open at the top
  • Four “pointers” that children can safely throw, such as pool noodles, empty cardboard paper towel rolls, or homemade paper pointers. All four should be the same size and shape. To make paper pointers, see diagram and follow instructions
  • Important: do not allow children to throw anything sharp, heavy or dangerous
  • Marker
  • Tape or stapler
  • Optional: masking tape
  • Helpers, such as fifth or sixth graders, to return “pointers” from the boxes to the teams

If making paper pointers, roll a piece of 8-1/2" x 11" paper on the diagonal into a tight cone, as shown in diagram, so one end of the tube loosely forms a point and the other end is about 1"–2" wide. Secure edge with tape or stapler. Repeat to make four pointers.

  1. Using a marker, draw an arrow on one end of each “pointer.”
  2. Write “A” on two “pointers” and write “B” on the other two.
  3. Write “Jesus” on the front of one box and “Me” on the other.
  4. Place the “Jesus” box near a wall, with the “Me” box about one foot in front of it.
  5. Mark or tape a starting line about 6 to 10 feet away from the boxes.

Try throwing one of the “pointers” from the starting line, and adjust the throwing distance as necessary. 

Divide the children into two teams, Team A and Team B, and have each team stand single-file behind the starting line. Give two “pointers”—pool noodles, paper towel rolls, or paper pointers—marked with A or B to each team. Teams alternate turns, with one player throwing both of the team’s pointers, one at a time, toward the Jesus box. One point is scored for each pointer thrown into the “Jesus” box. The team loses a point for each pointer that lands in the “Me” box. Pointers that miss both boxes score no points. Be prepared to help children with special needs. Helpers, such as fifth or sixth graders, should return the pointers from the boxes back to the teams after each turn. Play until each player has had a turn. The team with the most points wins. Play again if time allows.

Note: if you don't have helpers to return the pointers, after a player tosses both pointers, he/she may retrieve them for the next player on the team, being careful not to get in way of the opposing team.

Conclusion: You did a great job trying to get your pointers in the “Jesus” box. Our SuperTruth says: “I can point others to Christ.” John did not want anyone to confuse him with the Messiah, so he was very careful to point people to Jesus! Now, let’s learn some more about John the Baptist!