Leader Guide


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Fruit of the Spirit Pattern
  • Scissors for children
  • Three older children, grades 5–6 if possible, to read Bible passages

Copy the Fruit of the Spirit Pattern, one per child, plus extras. You may copy it in color or black and white. Copy full-size; do not use “shrink-to-fit” option.

Assign each of the three older children one of the following passages ahead of time so they can look it up, mark it, and read it aloud at the appropriate time: Romans 10:14, Philippians 2:14–15, 1 Peter 3:15.

Make a sample of the craft to be used in the teaching segment and display it as a model for children as they make their crafts.

Our SuperTruth says: “I can point others to Christ.” Does this mean you should point to Him like you would point to someone in the room? If appropriate, you may point to a child in the room and say, “We are so glad to have {child’s name} in class with us today.”

So, how can we point to Jesus today? Let’s look at some different ways.

1. Have the first child read Romans 10:14:

But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?

Some people have never heard about Jesus and how to have a relationship with God! We can point people to Jesus by telling them about Him. We can explain how He took the punishment for our sins by dying on the cross. We can share what He has done for us personally—for example, how we have peace and joy and happiness because He lives in our hearts! Share something Jesus has done for you.

We can point others to Jesus by telling them. When I say “3”, let’s all jump up with our hands in the air and shout, “I can point others to Christ with my words!” 1, 2, 3! “I can point others to Christ with my words!”

2. Have the second child read Philippians 2:14–15:

14 Do everything without complaining and arguing, 15 so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.

Another way we can point to Jesus is by how we live—by our choices and actions. Whether we know it or not, people are watching to see how Christians act. They wonder, when trouble comes, do we get angry or jealous or afraid? Or do we respond with God’s love, joy and peace?

We shouldn’t pretend to have these qualities, because then we would just be acting—like an actor who acts one way on stage but behaves completely different in real life. When we ask God to fill us with His Holy Spirit, He gives us the wonderful nature and characteristics of His Son Jesus. So, whenever we run out of our own supply of love, God gives us Jesus’ love. Will Jesus ever run out of love? No!

If we get angry, God gives us Jesus’ joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Do you think God’s supply of these things can ever run out? No!

So, when we react differently than others do—if we act with love and forgiveness instead of anger and hate—people will see Jesus in us. The Bible says we should be lights in the darkness! This light comes from Christ, and when we allow His light to shine through us, our light can show the way to Jesus! On the count of 3, let’s stand up with our arms in the air and shout, “I can point others to Christ with my life!” 1, 2, 3! “I can point others to Christ with my life!”

3. Have the third child read 1 Peter 3:15:

You must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it.

What does this tell us about how we can point others to Jesus? Through our worship.

We can show others that we want to give God our highest devotion and dedication. Jesus is worthy to be our Lord and Savior. He is worthy to receive our love and service above everything else! If someone asks us why we go to church when we could be playing soccer or sleeping in, we should be ready to share why! On the count of 3, let’s stand up with our arms in the air and shout, “I can point others to Christ by my worship!” 1, 2, 3! “I can point others to Christ by my worship!”

We have a responsibility and a privilege to point others to Jesus by our words, by how we live, and by our worship! Are we ready to be lights that point to Jesus?

Let’s think about that for the next two lessons in our study of John the Baptist. 

Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application

Now it is time for our Discipleship Challenge and craft!

Hand out scissors and the Fruit of the Spirit Pattern to each child. Have them assemble the craft by cutting out both the circle and the half circle segments along the dashed lines. Using a brass fastener, align the half-circle piece over the circle and push the brad through both to connect. Display the model you made before class for them to see, and assist the children as necessary to complete their crafts.

Our goal as followers of Christ is to allow God to change us day by day. We want to become more like Him and less like our human, sinful selves. We want to point others to Him by our words and actions. When we ask Jesus to be our Lord and Savior, God gives us His Holy Spirit to produce good fruit in our lives, helping us become more like Him. Galatians 5:22–23 lists nine fruit of the Spirit. Your Discipleship Challenge before our next lesson is to learn about the first three—love, joy and peace.  

The Bible says God is love. Let’s look at our crafts. When we allow God’s love to rule in our hearts, what is there less room for? Children adjust their crafts to reveal “anger.” If time permits, ask children to give examples of how this is true.

The next fruit is joy. True joy isn’t based on having certain things or being in a certain place or with certain friends. True joy comes from knowing that Jesus loves us and died to save us. When we have more of God’s joy, what is there less room for in our lives? Children adjust their crafts to reveal “jealousy.” If time permits, ask children to give examples.  

The third fruit of the Spirit is peace. When we allow God’s Spirit to have control, what is there less room for in our lives? Children adjust their crafts to reveal “fear.” If time permits, ask children to give examples.

Pray: Dear heavenly Father, we pray that You will fill us more and more with Your Holy Spirit so Your good fruit will grow in our lives. When we begin to feel angry or jealous or afraid, please remind us to ask You for help. Thank You that You can replace bad feelings with Your love, joy and peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Keep thinking and praying about this in the days ahead. Next time, I will give you a chance to share how God answered your prayers.