Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Markers or chalk 

Write the SuperVerse, including the reference, on the board.

Our SuperVerse, Matthew 3:2b, says,

“Turn back to God! The kingdom of heaven will soon be here.”

Let’s say it together now. Children say verse.

John wanted to prepare the way for Jesus. His message was clear: people should turn away from their sins and be ready to receive the words of life Jesus would preach about the kingdom of heaven.

Was John talking about a physical kingdom here on Earth with castles and thrones and palaces? No.

He was talking about a spiritual kingdom. Jesus came down from heaven to live and minister in the world as a human being. Jesus lived His life perfectly, obeying God’s will and following His Word. People could look at Jesus and see what God is like. In this way, the world would witness heaven’s kingdom on Earth. Did you know we don’t have to wait to go to heaven—we can be part of heaven’s kingdom right NOW? Yes, when we believe in Jesus and live according to God’s will and Word, we experience His kingdom on Earth, in our hearts!

Have the children stand in a circle. Have you ever played a game where you take turns spinning an arrow? Well, we are going to play a game where you are the spinner! Whoever you point to should say one word of our SuperVerse! Our lesson is about pointing others to Jesus, just as John the Baptist did. So, our game is all about pointing. Isn’t that cool?

Ask a sixth grade helper or another student to stand in the middle of the circle, turn around, and point to a child who should immediately say the first word in the verse. The “spinner” should keep turning and pointing quickly to different children, who should immediately say the next word, until the verse is finished. Children may look at the board if they forget the next word. Repeat as time allows, allowing other children to be “spinners.” Praise them each time the verse has been completed correctly.

Optional: have different children be the spinners for each four-word phrase of the verse: “Turn back to God!” … “The kingdom of heaven” … “will soon be here.”

Optional challenge: after each round, erase a few key words from the verse on the board.