Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

We have been learning how John the Baptist pointed others to Jesus. John lived a life of truth, and he also boldly spoke the truth about sin and the need to repent of sin. To repent means to admit your sin to God, to turn away from that sin, and turn to God. When we turn to God, we can point others to Jesus by the words of our mouths and by the way we live our lives according to God’s Word. This verse is taken from a prayer that King David prayed to God.

Read Psalm 51:6 (cev)

You want complete honesty, so teach me true wisdom.

Let’s bow our heads, fold our hands, and close our eyes. Let’s take some time to repent for anything untruthful we have thought, said or done—anything that would not be pleasing to God. Allow time for children to pray silently.

Now, let’s ask Jesus to cleanse us and forgive us. The good news is that Jesus paid the punishment for our sins—and He promised to forgive us when we ask Him! Allow time for children to pray silently.

Now let’s prayerfully think of someone you would like to point to Jesus. Ask God to help you speak words of truth and love, and to live a life that can help point the way to Jesus. Allow time for children to pray silently.

Close in prayer: Dear God, give me the power of Your Holy Spirit to live my life in a way that will point others to Jesus. In Jesus’ name, Amen.