Leader Guide

SuperVerse Game

  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Marker or chalk
  • Medium size round balloons, one per three children plus extras

Blow up the balloons and tie them closed.

Let’s say our SuperVerse together. Matthew 3:2b (cev):

“Turn back to God! The kingdom of heaven will soon be here.”

Divide the children into teams of three. Have each team stand in a triangle shape with about 3–4 feet distance between each child in the group. Leave plenty of distance between teams. The players on each team will volley the balloon back and forth between them saying a word of the SuperVerse at each volley. Play to see which team comes in first, second and third place. Play additional rounds as time allows. The team must start over from the beginning of the SuperVerse if:

  • The balloon touches the floor.
  • A player touches the balloon two times in a row before another player touches it.
  • A player catches or holds the balloon against his/her body.

Conclusion: You did a great job playing the game! Turning back to God and turning away from sin is called what? Repentance.

When we repent, we can experience the kingdom of heaven and God’s power, love and blessings!