Leader Guide

Bible Study

  • Bibles or Superbook Bible App

Have children look up and read the passages. Divide the verses among the children and lead a discussion using the questions.

1. In our first passage, Jesus met a Samaritan woman at a water well and began talking with her. This was unusual because Jews did not like Samaritans and avoided them as much as possible. Jesus told the woman about her life and her sin. He also revealed that He was the Messiah.

John 4:27–30,39–42:

27 Just then His disciples came back. They were shocked to find Him talking to a woman, but none of them had the nerve to ask, “What do You want with her?” or “Why are You talking to her?” 28 The woman left her water jar beside the well and ran back to the village, telling everyone, 29 “Come and see a Man who told me everything I ever did! Could He possibly be the Messiah?” 30 So the people came streaming from the village to see Him. 39 Many Samaritans from the village believed in Jesus because the woman had said, “He told me everything I ever did!”40 When they came out to see Him, they begged Him to stay in their village. So He stayed for two days, 41 long enough for many more to hear His message and believe. 42 Then they said to the woman, “Now we believe, not just because of what you told us, but because we have heard Him ourselves. Now we know that He is indeed the Savior of the world.”

  • How did the woman point to Jesus? Ran to the village and shared her encounter with Jesus.
  • What happened? Many came to see Jesus because of her testimony.
  • Why did they believe in Jesus? Jesus had shown He was from God by revealing the woman's life to her.
  • Jesus stayed for 2 more days. What happened? Many more believed Jesus because of His words.
  • Based on this story, what can we effectively do to point others to Jesus? We can share our testimony, what Jesus has done in our lives, and who He is.
  • Do we need to be able to preach and answer every single question anyone might have about Jesus or the Bible? No, we do not need to know all the answers; we can ask others to help us find the answers, if needed. We can simply point people to Jesus and allow God to work.

2. After Jesus went up to heaven, His disciples at first thought that the Gospel was only for Jewish people. Then God sent Peter to preach to Cornelius, a Gentile or non-Jew.

Acts 10:24–29a,34–36,44–48:

24 They arrived in Caesarea the following day. Cornelius was waiting for them and had called together his relatives and close friends. 25 As Peter entered his home, Cornelius fell at his feet and worshiped him. 26 But Peter pulled him up and said, “Stand up! I’m a human being just like you!” 27 So they talked together and went inside, where many others were assembled. 28 Peter told them, “You know it is against our laws for a Jewish man to enter a Gentile home like this or to associate with you. But God has shown me that I should no longer think of anyone as impure or unclean. 29 So I came without objection as soon as I was sent for. ...” 34 Then Peter replied, “I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism. 35 In every nation he accepts those who fear him and do what is right. 36 This is the message of Good News for the people of Israel—that there is peace with God through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.” 44 Even as Peter was saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to the message. 45 The Jewish believers who came with Peter were amazed that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles, too. 46 For they heard them speaking in other tongues and praising God. Then Peter asked, 47 “Can anyone object to their being baptized, now that they have received the Holy Spirit just as we did?” 48 So he gave orders for them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Afterward Cornelius asked him to stay with them for several days.

  • In verses 25–26, how does this remind you of John the Baptist? John pointed others to Christ, not to himself. He was humble and did not want the glory. He knew who he was and what his job was.
  • What do Peter’s words tell us about who we should witness to? All people, all nations.
  • John the Baptist told the truth no matter what the cost. How is this similar to Peter in this passage? He was willing to go where God sent him to point to Jesus and spread the Gospel. It was against the Jewish laws to share the Gospel with the Gentiles who were considered unclean.
  • In verses 44–48, what was the result of Peter’s obedience and pointing to Jesus? The Holy Spirit fell on the Gentiles. They believed and were baptized in water. They wanted to hear more.

Pray to close the activity: Dear God, let us always be willing to share our testimony and point others to Jesus, no matter who they are! You desire everyone to hear Your Gospel and be saved! In Jesus’ name, Amen.