Leader Guide

Bible Study

  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App  
  • Scripture Slips
  • Six medium size balloons, plus extras
  • Marker
  • Scissors

Make a copy of the Scripture Slips.

Cut apart the six individual slips.

Optional: if you want older children to look up the verses in their Bibles, simply give them the scripture references.

Select a slip, note the main word on it, such as Honesty, roll it into a tight cylinder—pencil-shaped, slide it into the balloon, blow up the balloon, then tie it closed.

Write the main word from the slip on the outside of the balloon.

Repeat this process for the remaining five balloons.

John spoke the truth about sin. He did not care who he was speaking to. John challenged the powerful religious leaders of his day and even wicked King Herod! John knew what God had called him to do, and no cost was too high for him to complete his mission.

In our video last time, Chris struggled with a decision. What was it? He was tempted to use some video games that his game partner, Sam, had illegally downloaded, which is stealing.

Is it only wrong to steal if you get caught? Why or why not?

Even if no one else finds out, God knows if we disobey Him! It is not something to take lightly!

So, if we are in a troubling situation like Chris, what do we do?

How do we know what is right and what is wrong?

Do you know what God’s Word says?

Could you share the truth with a friend who says that we are crazy or that everybody else is doing it, so what’s the big deal?

Let’s take a look at a few common situations we might encounter. John the Baptist never backed off or softened the truth, and we must live our lives according to the truth, too.

Select a volunteer to pop one of the balloons by squeezing, stepping, or sitting on it; and have the child read the slip of paper. OR, You may have older children look up the scripture reference in their Bibles and read it aloud. Then discuss the Bible verse and how it applies to the main word found on the balloon. Ask the children to think up possible “sticky” situations where this scripture would be valuable to know and apply. Do this for the remaining five balloons.

When we live truthfully, we live as Jesus lived. He increases in our lives as we decrease!