Leader Guide


  • Two medium-size boxes—square/cube-shaped, if possible—with lids. Use three boxes if there are more than 32 children in class   
  • Marker or chalk to write on the box
  • Paper, scissors, and glue or tape, if you cannot write on the box
  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk
  • Sixth grade helper or volunteer to keep score on the board

Make two “answer boxes.” If there are more than 32 children, make three answer boxes. Using the marker, write a different letter on all four sides and the bottom of each box: T, F, A, B, C. The top of each box will remain blank. If you cannot write directly on the boxes, write the letters on slips of paper and attach them to the boxes with tape or glue.   

Mark or tape a starting line near one end of the room, and place the boxes on the floor about 15–20 feet away.

Divide the children into two teams. If there are more than 32 children in the class, make three teams. Have the teams line up at the starting line. Hold up an answer box and show the letters on the sides and bottom as you explain the game.

Let’s play a game to review John the Baptist’s story. One player from each team will play at the same time. I will ask a question and give you two or three answers to choose from. The answers may be T for True and F for False; or they may be A, B or C, for multiple choice. Some answers are silly; some may be close to the correct answer, but not quite right. One person from each team will play at the same time.

When it’s your turn, I will give you directions about how to go to your team’s answer box, such as skipping or hopping. Before you begin, listen carefully to the question and the possible answers. Then go quickly from the starting line to your team’s answer box, pick it up, find the correct answer on it, and hold it toward me so I can see it.

Each player who holds up the correct answer will receive two points. In addition, the first player to hold up the correct answer receives a bonus point. Don’t be tempted to look at the other player’s answer; it may not be correct! If you forget the question, I will repeat it for you. The team with the most points wins.

Question and Answer Sheet: John the Baptist—Answers in Bold

  1. Go to your team’s answer box by hopping on your left foot, then answer this question. The Bible says that John ate:
    1. Pizza.
    2. Rice and beans. 
    3. Locusts and honey.
  2. Go to your team’s answer box by walking backward. You can turn your head to make sure you don’t run into anything! John said something would soon be here; was it:
    1. Christmas.
    2. The Kingdom of Heaven.
    3. Passover.
  3. Go to your team’s answer box by taking giant steps and swinging your arms up and down. True or False: John’s mission was to prepare the way for Jesus.True.
  4. Go to your team’s answer box by hopping on both feet. The word repent means to:
    1. Turn away from sin and toward God.
    2. Relax.
    3. Share the Gospel.
  5. Go to your team’s answer box by skipping. Centuries before John was born, the Prophet Isaiah said he would be:
    1. A great religious leader.
    2. A voice in the wilderness.
    3. A Gentile.
  6. Go to your team’s answer box by hopping on your right foot. True or false: John wanted everyone to believe that he was the Messiah.   False.
  7. Go to your team’s answer box by sliding your feet without lifting them from the floor. What did Jesus ask John to do?   
    1. Baptize Him.
    2. Introduce Him to Herod.
    3. Prepare a meal for Him.
  8. Go to your team’s answer box by walking sideways. John always preached about:    
    1. Moses.
    2. The truth.
    3. Healthy eating.
  9. Go to your team’s answer box by spinning around as you walk. John said:    
    1. He must decrease but Jesus must increase.
    2. He must increase and Jesus must decrease.
    3. His clothing was itchy.
  10. Go to your team’s answer box by walking backward. You can turn your head to make sure you don’t run into anything! What did Herod do to please his wife?    
    1. Put Jesus in prison.
    2. Get baptized by John in the Jordan River.
    3. Arrest John the Baptist.
  11. Go to your team’s answer box by taking giant steps and swinging your arms up and down. John pointed others to:  
    1. Jerusalem.
    2. Abraham.
    3. Jesus Christ.
  12. Go to your team’s answer box by spinning as you hop on both feet. True or false: When Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit came down like a dove and rested on Him.  True.
  13. Go to your team’s box by skipping with your hands up in the air. Jesus said that of all who ever lived, no one was greater than: 
    1. The Apostle Peter.
    2. John the Baptist.
    3. Noah.
  14. Go to your team’s answer box by hopping on your right foot while clapping your hands. I can be great in God’s kingdom:   
    1. Because I am such a good person.
    2. Because of Jesus.
    3. Because I do nice things for other people.
  15. Go to your team’s answer box by sliding your feet without lifting them from the floor. John said he wasn’t worthy to untie someone’s sandals. Who was he talking about?
    1. Gizmo.
    2. Elijah.
    3. Jesus.
  16. Go to your team’s answer box by walking sideways while pumping your hands up and down in the air. This is the bonus question from Large Group. True or false: John said God could make children of Abraham from puppets. False.

After they answer, ask: For two bonus points, what is the correct answer? Stones, rocks.