Leader Guide

Coloring Activity

Write the SuperVerse on the board.

Make one copy of the John the Baptist Coloring Page for each child, plus extras.

Let’s look at the board and say our SuperVerse together from Matthew 11:11:

“I tell you the truth, of all who have ever lived, none is greater than John the Baptist. Yet even the least person in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he is!”

Give a coloring page to each child and distribute the crayons/markers. As children color their pages, use the questions below to lead a discussion.

  • Why is Jesus walking toward the river in the picture? To be baptized by John.
  • Do you remember why Jesus said He must be baptized? To do all God told Him to do, to obey God.
  • Who said John was the greatest of all who had lived? Jesus.
  • How can you become great in God’s Kingdom? Only through Jesus.
  • Imagine you are John the Baptist; what would it feel like for Jesus to come to you to be baptized?
  • Do you think you can be great in God’s Kingdom; why or why not?