Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk
  • Beach ball, foam ball, or balloon
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Write the entire SuperVerse on the board including the Scripture reference. Job 34:19:

And God created us all; He has no favorites, whether rich or poor.

Leave the verse on the board for the Additional Activity, “Be an Example.”

Have the children stand in a circle. Let’s look at the board and say our SuperVerse together. Job 34:19:

And God created us all; He has no favorites, whether rich or poor.

God created everyone in His own image; both man and woman. (See Genesis 1:27.) God loves everyone, and He promises everyone the same thing.

Read Romans 10:13:

For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

According to this verse, do you need lots of money to be saved? No!

Do your parents have to be rich or famous? No!

Do you need to live in a fancy house? No!

Do you need to speak a certain language? No!

Who can call on the name of the Lord to be saved? Everyone!

That’s right! Everyone is equal in God’s sight. He has no favorites!

Hand the ball to a child, who says the first word of the SuperVerse, then quickly passes the ball to the next child in the circle. Continue this way until the entire verse is completed, including the Scripture reference. Stop the time and record it on the board. Play again, starting with the next child who has not played. Try to beat the previous time. As an option, play for a one minute and see how many times the SuperVerse can be repeated. Record the number on the board and try to beat it.

That was fun! Remember, God has no favorites, He loves us equally!