Leader Guide


No special materials or preparation are needed for this activity.

Have the children sit down.

Today, I am going to ask some questions for you to think about, then give you a moment to pray silently.

Do you try to treat others equally, or do you sometimes treat others differently based on what they have or don’t have, how they dress, or where they live? God treats the rich and poor the same. Take a moment to pray, asking God to show you anything that isn’t pleasing to Him. Allow time for children to think and pray.

Do you have any negative attitudes or prejudices against certain kinds of people? The parable of the Good Samaritan wasn’t just for people who lived in Bible times; it’s for us today! Ask the Holy Spirit to show you if you think you’re better than others, or if you feel superior to certain people. Ask God to help you love others and see them the way He does. Allow time for silent prayer.

Close in Prayer: Dear God, we praise You that You have no favorites. You love all of us so much that You sent Your one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins and forgive us. Help us show Your love to others, no matter how different they may seem. For we know that You created us all, and You want to save and bless everyone in the world. In Jesus’ name, Amen!