Leader Guide


  • Butcher paper, one 4-foot section per group of 3 to 5 children; or two poster boards taped together per group
  • Crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers
  • Whiteboard and marker; or chalkboard and chalk
  • Scissors
  • Optional: tables
  • Tape

Write the four scenes on the board:

  1. A man is beaten, robbed, and left to die.
  2. A priest and Levite ignore him and walk by him.
  3. A Samaritan stops and cares for him.
  4. The Samaritan takes him to an inn and pays the innkeeper.

Let’s turn to our neighbor and say today’s SuperTruth! “I will treat others equally.”

Yes, we are to treat others equally, with respect and compassion. The Samaritan treated the Jewish man just the way he would have wanted to be treated if he had been beaten and robbed.

Divide the class into groups of 3–5 children, mixing boys and girls, older and younger children, etc.

Lay out the sections of butcher paper or the poster boards across the tables or on the floor, one per group.

Give each group crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers.

Instruct the groups to create the four different scenes listed on the board. Different children in the group can work on different scenes at the same time.

Tape the finished murals on the wall. Have groups share their murals with everyone.

Conclusion: The priest and the Levite wouldn’t help the man who was beaten and robbed, even though he was Jewish, like they were! The robbers may have still been around, so the Samaritan may have risked his own life to care for the Jewish man. We want to be like the Good Samaritan and display God’s love to those in need, no matter how similar or different they may seem.