Leader Guide

Coin Game

  • Scripture Coins Pattern
  • Two sheets of cardstock
  • Whiteboard and marker; or chalkboard and chalk
  • Eraser
  • Scissors
  • Envelope or sandwich bag to hold the coins
  • Optional: timer, stopwatch, or timer app

Write the SuperVerse on the board. Proverbs 11:25:

The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.

Make two copies of the SuperVerse Coin Pattern, preferably double-sided in color on cardstock.

Cut out the individual coins, mix them up, and place them in the bag or envelope.

To create an additional team for larger classes, make an extra copy of the pattern and have an additional helper available to record the times on the board.

Optional: time each team for each round to determine the overall winner. Children in grades 5–6 can record other players’ times after their team has played.

God wants us always to be generous. And, to help us, He is generous with us so we can be generous! He provides us with things we need to help others in order to display His love.

Read 2 Corinthians 9:10–11a:

For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, He will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous.

Just like God provides seed to the farmer to reap a harvest of grain and make bread, He provides different kinds of resources to us so we can produce a harvest of generosity! What are resources?

Resources are things like money, talents, abilities, wisdom, and knowledge; anything we can use to help others! God gives generously to us, and we are to share generously with others.

Do you remember Jesus mentioning any coins in the parable? The Good Samaritan paid the innkeeper with two silver coins to care for the wounded man.

Hold up a paper coin. Today, we will use these coins to represent the resources that God has given us.

Have the children pair up with someone they don’t know very well.

Each pair should choose a name with the theme of giving, generosity or kindness. Write the team names on the board. Example: “Cheerful Givers.”

At least two teams play at the same time, racing each other to complete the SuperVerse first.

Ask a child to help you scatter the coins on the floor.

Select the first two teams to play at the same time. They will race each other to complete the SuperVerse. If you have a large class, more than two teams may compete at the same time.

When you say “Go!” the teams quickly try to find the coins they need to build the SuperVerse, including the scripture reference to be placed at the end of the verse.

When a team finishes building the verse in the proper order on the floor, they shout it together to win the round.

Have those players then scatter the coins for the next round. Continue until all teams have played.

Optional: time each round. The team with the fastest time wins.