Leader Guide

Charades Game

  • Suggested props: books, pencil, notebook with paper, chair, lunch bag or box, cup, paper grocery bag, backpack, cell phone. Add additional props if desired
  • Large box to hold props
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app

The priest and Temple assistant saw that the man was hurt. What did they do to help him? Nothing; they passed by without helping.

Why is it so surprising that they didn’t stop to help? They were fellow Jews; both men worked in the Temple and served God.

Why was the Samaritan’s act of generosity and kindness so unusual or special? The Samaritans and Jews were enemies.

This game is played like charades. One person will act out a need while the rest of the class tries to guess what the need is. The priest and Temple assistant saw the need and kept walking. We want to be like the Samaritan and not only see the need, but then discuss how we can be kind and show God’s love by taking action to help!

Select two children to act out each need. Some children may not be comfortable doing this, so ask for volunteers. Quietly give them a word or phrase from the list below, then allow them a minute to decide how to act it out. You may assign several pairs of children their words at the same time. Select more difficult needs for older children. Give hints or suggest props to use if necessary. They may use the props or not. When the first pair is ready, say “Action!” Start the time and give them 60 seconds to act out the need without using words. You may have the audience guess by raising their hands or simply calling out their ideas. If a need is not guessed before time expires, disclose the need or give another pair of children a turn to act out the need.

After each need is identified, discuss how the children could show kindness and generosity to help the person. There may be more than one correct answer. Remind the children that some needs in real-life may be serious, and they should ask a trusted adult before trying to help.

Acting List

1. Thirsty 2. Hungry 3. Fell down and got hurt 4. Lonely 5. Afraid 6. Carrying a heavy load 7. Lost 8. Need help with homework 9. Bullied 10. Angry

Conclusion: Being generous is not only providing something big, it is the simple things, too—doing whatever is needed! Small things done cheerfully are also pleasing to God!