Leader Guide

Domino Activity

  • Sets of dominoes
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

It Only Takes One: Play with dominoes to reinforce the lesson.

Today, we are going to talk about how our actions can influence other people. To show you how just one person can affect many others, I brought some dominoes. Set up several dominoes on end and in a row, then push over the first domino. It only takes one domino to start a chain reaction. In the same way, you can influence others around you by your example and your actions.

Divide the children into two or three groups; give each group a set of dominoes and allow a few minutes for them to have fun making lines of dominoes and watching them fall.

Conclusion: You are never too young to set a godly example. God empowers you and protects you so you can be an example of His mercy, love, and righteousness.