Leader Guide

Stacking Game

  • Twelve cups—paper or plastic
  • Table
  • Optional: masking tape or painter's tape
  • Optional: tape a starting line on the floor, fifteen feet from the table.
  • Place six cups on their sides, at opposite ends of the table.

Recruit a helper—such as a sixth grader—to knock down the cups after each child’s turn.

Standing Up: Race to build the pyramid first!

Jeremiah told Chris that God’s Word felt like something in his bones; what was it? Fire.

God placed His Word in Jeremiah’s mouth, and he could not remain silent—even when no one seemed to listen or care. Let’s say our SuperTruth together. “I will take a stand for God.”  

Divide the class into two teams—if uneven, one child may go twice to make the teams equal. Have teams sit in two lines behind the starting line. You and a helper—such as a sixth grader—will stand at the table to knock down the cups after each turn.

Let’s play a game about standing up! You will remain seated until your turn, then jump up, walk quickly to the table, and set up the six cups to make a pyramid with three on the bottom, two on the next level, and one on top. Shout the SuperTruth, “I will take a stand for God!”—then walk quickly to tag the next child in line, who will jump up and go. Remember, you must shout the SuperTruth before you can return home. Stay standing after your turn, and the first team to finish with everyone standing wins! Are you ready to take a stand?

Conclusion: It’s hard to make the cups stand up, especially under pressure when people are watching! It isn’t always easy to stand up for God, either. When others are watching, we may feel pressure to do things contrary to God’s Word. God was with Jeremiah and He is with us, too. He will give us the courage and the strength to stand for Him.