Leader Guide

Review Game

  • Big ball of yarn, string, or spool of thread
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Tangled: Review the Bible story and create a web.

Have the children sit on the floor in a circle, at least an arm’s length apart from each other. Ask one child—preferably wearing pants or shorts—to lie down in the middle. 

Let’s say our SuperVerse together. 1 Corinthians 16:13:

Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.

What are some things you might encounter where you need to be strong, courageous, and on guard? Temptations, peer pressure, doubt, fear, trials, and opposition that may come. 

We are going to review the video we watched and create a web at the same time. We will talk about what this represents after we have all taken a turn. 

Hand the ball of yarn or string to one child and explain. Hold the ball as you tell an interesting part of the Bible story about Jeremiah. It can be anything from the video or the teaching. Then, hold one end of the yarn and gently toss the ball over the middle and above the child lying down to someone else across the circle. That child tells a portion of the story, keeps hold of some yarn, and tosses the ball of yarn over the middle to yet another child across the circle. We will continue this way until everyone has had an opportunity to contribute.

Look at the tangled web we have created. Our world is tangled like this web, and sometimes we get caught in the middle. Ask the children to pull tightly on their yarn as the child in the middle tries to stand up.

It’s hard to follow God’s ways when we are tangled up in the worldly web! Have all the children let go of their yarn so the person in the middle can stand. Untangle everyone from the web and say:

Let’s say the SuperTruth together: “I will take a stand for God.”

Even if we are scared, when we trust in God, we can still have the courage and strength to stand firm in our faith. When we are on guard, we will be free to serve God and avoid becoming tangled in the world’s web!