Leader Guide

Review Game

  • True and False Review Questions
  • True and False Signs
  • One large, clean trash can32 gallons if possible
  • Four tennis balls or rubber balls that bounce
  • Two sheets of cardstock
  • Optional: painter's tape or masking tape
  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk to keep score

Make a copy of the True and False Review Questions.

Make two double-sided copies of the True and False Signs on cardstock. 

Mark or tape a throwing line on the floor.

Place the large trash can against a wall and about eight to ten feet from the line.

“Prophet-able” Review: Play a game to remember the Bible lesson.

This is the last lesson about the prophet Jeremiah. We are going to play a fun review game to remind us of the important truths we have learned. This is a True and False question review. Hold up the True and False Sign. To answer a question, you will hold up the sign to choose either true or false. The side that you show will be your answer. Five points are scored for a correct answer. You will also have two more chances to score points for your team. Each player will be given two balls to try to bounce into the trash can. You receive one point for each ball that lands in the can.       

Divide the children into two teams—they do not need to be even.

Have each team line up a few feet behind the line/mark.  

A player from each team steps up to the line and answers the same question by choosing which side of the sign to show you.   

The players have a chance to bounce two balls into the trash can.  

The players will retrieve the balls for the next players after the score is tallied.

The team with the most points wins.  

Optional: when the answer is “false,” ask teams for the true answer and award a bonus point if it’s correct. You may also ask additional bonus questions related to the original one.      

True or False Review Questions

1. God called Jeremiah to be the Messiah. (False—a prophet to the nations.)

2. Jeremiah told God he was too old to speak for Him. (False—too young.)

3. God knew Jeremiah before he was even born. (True.)

4. God told Jeremiah not to be afraid because He would protect him. (True.)

5. God reached out and touched Jeremiah’s shoulder. (False—his mouth.)

6. Jeremiah was called to sit down against the nations. (False—to stand up.)

7. God told Jeremiah that the people of Judah would fight him and win. (False—they would fail.)

8. Jeremiah warned the people to repent of their sins to avoid being punished by God. (True.)

9. The people were upset with Jeremiah because he reminded them of their broken covenant or agreement with God. (True.)

10. Jeremiah was sent by God to make clay pots. (False—to watch the potter work with the clay.)

11. God is represented by the clay. (False—the potter.)

12. God told Jeremiah that he could not even trust his own family. (True.)

13. Hananiah was a true prophet who supported Jeremiah. (False—he was a false prophet who said that the people were not in danger.)

14. The people mocked Jeremiah because God’s judgment did not happen right away. (True.)

15. Jeremiah told the priest named Pashhur that God changed his name to “The Man Who Lives in Joy.” (False—The Man Who Lives in Terror.)

16. Jeremiah said that God’s Word was like ice on his feet. (False—fire in his bones.)

17. Jeremiah wore an ox yoke to symbolize that the people of Israel would be freed by their enemies. (False—they would become slaves to their enemy.)

18. An Ethiopian named Ebed-melech threw Jeremiah into the cistern. (False—he rescued him.)

19. Ebed-melech used a ladder to rescue Jeremiah from the cistern. (False—ropes.)

20. Jeremiah prophesied to Ebed-melech that God would punish him along with the others. (False—God would spare his life.)