Leader Guide

Puzzle Activity

Make one copy of the Crossword Puzzle for each pair of children, plus extras

God Alone: Look up verses in the book of Jeremiah to complete the crossword puzzle.

Divide the children into pairs. Try to place experienced Bible users with inexperienced ones. 

Give each child a pencil, and give one Bible and a copy of the Crossword Puzzle to each pair of children.    

Let’s say the SuperTruth together. “I will praise God for saving me.”

You are going to look up Jeremiah 17:1–14 in your Bibles. The answers to the crossword puzzle appear in these verses. You will work with a partner to complete the puzzle.    

Note that the answers are from the New Living Translation. If children are using different translations, their answers may not match the puzzle.

Conclusion: The people in Jerusalem wanted to silence Jeremiah and his message. He was a constant reminder of the covenant with God that they had broken. Yet God’s plan cannot be stopped. Jeremiah was rescued, and his message from God came to pass.