Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Scepter Page
  • Four feet of scarlet or red yarn, or rope can be substituted and colored red     
  • Knife or scissors for teacher to cut yarn or rope
  • Pencil
  • Tape
  • Chair
  • Bibles or Superbook Bible App

Color the rope if necessary with red paint or marker, then let dry.

Assemble the scepter:

1.    Cut out the scepter and roll it up around a pencil. The graphic should show on all sides of the tube.

2.    Tape the edges to secure the tube then allow the pencil to slide out.

3.    Cut out the finial and fold in half, then tape the opposite side of the fold closed.

4.    Tape the finial atop the staff.

Our Father: Demonstrate our relationship with God in Christ.

Let’s say our SuperTruth together. “I will pray as Jesus did.” 

Hold up the scepter. Does anyone know what this is called? A scepter.

A scepter belongs to a king. It is a symbol of his power and authority. Sit in the chair holding the scepter vertically.

There is a true story in the Bible about a Jewish queen named Esther and her husband named King Xerxes (“ZURK-zees”). Esther needed to go to the king to request help for her people. The problem was that no one could enter the king’s inner court without his permission or invitation—not even the queen!

Hold out the scepter toward the children. If the king held out his scepter, she could approach the throne and speak.

Pull the scepter back. If he did not hold his scepter out, Esther could be put to death!

Esther risked death to obey God, and when she went before the king, he held out his scepter to her and granted her request. Hold the scepter out. (See Esther 4:11–12; 5:1–3.)

In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught us to begin our prayer by saying, “Our Father.” When we say “Our Father,” we are reminded of our intimate relationship with Him. We are made in His image and He longs to spend time with us—His children. Because of Jesus, we do not need to be afraid to approach God, the King over all  the earth! (See Psalm 47:7.)

Toss the scepter aside. We don’t need a special invitation to approach God. We don’t need to fear being turned away or punished.  

Hold up the red yarn. Jesus made a way for us to enter God’s presence forever!

Read Ephesians 2:13:

But now you have been united with Christ Jesus. Once you were far away from God, but now you have been brought near to Him through the blood of Christ.

Sin separated all people from God. Tragically, we lost the intimate relationship that God had planned for us. Have a volunteer stand a few feet away from you.

This volunteer represents all of us. I will represent God. This rope represents Jesus’ blood. Hand the rope to the volunteer.

As the verse says, we were once far away and are now brought near to God again by the blood of Jesus. Begin to move around the volunteer as you both hold the rope. Then walk around the room with the volunteer while you both hold the rope.

God is always near; He is in our midst. He is not a distant God somewhere in heaven or in some remote galaxy of the universe. God’s kingdom is right here in our midst. His Holy Spirit lives in us and goes with us. We do not have to tremble and fear when we approach God—He is always with us. We can talk with Him as our Daddy who loves us and longs to give us all good things—which is our daily bread. By Jesus’ blood, we are always connected to Him and always welcome in His presence.

Jesus said in John 15:7:

“But if you remain in Me and My words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!” 

It isn’t about what we have done or not done. It isn’t about how good we’ve been or how much we have sinned. We can draw near to God because of what Jesus did—shedding His blood and dying on the cross for our sins, so we can have a wonderful relationship with God right here and now—and then forever up in heaven! It is by the blood of Jesus that we draw near to God, by faith.