Leader Guide

Bible Activity

  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Mountaintop Experience: Look up and discuss Jesus’ Transfiguration.

Give Bibles to children who do not have one. Have children look up Luke 9:28–36.

Today, we are going to discuss what is called the Transfiguration. To be transfigured means to be transformed or changed into something different. We are going to read the account of the Transfiguration from the Gospel of Luke. The Gospels of Matthew and Mark also record the Transfiguration.

The suggested answers are from the New Living Translation. If children are using different translations, their answers will vary.

1. In verse 28, where did Jesus take Peter, James and John. Up on a mountain to pray.

Optional: Does anyone know how James and John were related? They were brothers. (See Matthew 17:1.)

What was the name that Jesus gave the brothers? The Sons of Thunder. (See Mark 3:17.)

Peter, James and John were Jesus’ closest friends and sometimes called the inner circle. The three men were all professional fisherman who immediately left their family businesses to answer Jesus’ call to follow Him. (See Matthew 4:18–22.) They were invited by Jesus to experience important events that the other apostles were not privileged to witness. These events included the Transfiguration (see Matthew 17:1–9; Mark 9:2–9; Luke 9:28–36), the raising of Jairus’s daughter from the dead (see Mark 5:37, Luke 8:51), and Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane (see Matthew 26:37, Mark 14:33).

2. In verse 29, what happened to Jesus as He prayed? The appearance of His face was transformed or changed; His clothes became dazzling white.

The book of Matthew says that Jesus’ face shone like the sun and His clothes became white as light. The book of Mark says that His clothes became whiter than any bleach could ever make them.  

3. In verse 30, who showed up suddenly and began to talk with Jesus? Elijah and Moses.

4. According to verse 31, what did they talk about? Jesus’ exodus or exit from this world, which was about to be fulfilled in Jerusalem.

5. In verse 32, what were the disciples doing as this glorious scene appeared? Sleeping and then they woke up to see Jesus’ glory and the two men.

6. What was the importance of seeing Jesus’ glory? The disciples had only seen Jesus in human form, now they saw Him in a glorified state as God’s Son. This gave them a better understanding of who Jesus really is.

7. In verse 33, what did Peter blurt out? It was wonderful for them to be there, and they should make three shelters for the three men.

Verse 33 says that he spoke without thinking. The book of Mark says that Peter said it because he simply didn’t know what else to say.

8. In verses 34–35 what spectacular thing happened as Peter spoke? A cloud overshadowed them. A voice from the cloud said,

“This is My Son, My Chosen One. Listen to Him.”

The book of Matthew says,

“This is My dearly loved Son, who brings Me great joy. Listen to Him.”

9. What was the reaction of the disciples? Terror gripped them as the cloud covered them.

The book of Matthew says the disciples fell face down on the ground; Jesus then touched them and told them to not be afraid.

10. Verse 36 says what about the disciples? They didn’t tell anyone at the time what they had seen.

In the books of Matthew and Mark, as they all came down the mountain, Jesus said to the disciples,

“Don’t tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.” 

11. Why do you think that Jesus told them not to tell anyone? Children answer—the Bible doesn’t say specifically why.

Conclusion: Jesus took His closest disciples to a place they could be alone and watch Him pray. They saw Jesus in His glory with two Old Testament prophets and leaders standing and talking with Him. They heard the voice of God confirm that Jesus is His Son. The disciples would never forget this day with Jesus before He left the earth.