Leader Guide

Relay Game

  • Disposable cups; 3 per child plus extras—dominoes or coins can be substituted  
  • Optional: painters tape or masking tape
  • Two tables  
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Place a line or mark near one end of the room.

Place the tables behind the line with several feet between them.   

Divide the cups equally between Team 1 and Team 2. 

Divide the cups for Team 1 in three equal and separate piles at distances of about 10, 15 and 20 feet from the line or mark.

Repeat for Team 2. See illustration for the set-up.    

Note: If substituting coins or dominoes, you may challenge the children to use only one finger to balance the objects instead of their wrists. The towers will be one or two columns, not pyramids. The leader will determine how many columns, based on the number of players and coins that will be stacked. Make it challenging but achievable.

Prayer Adds up! Play a game to build towers of faith.

One of the most effective ways to increase our faith is through prayer. The more time we spend in our heavenly Father’s presence, the stronger our faith will grow.

Let’s say the SuperTruth together. “Prayer builds faith.” 

Demonstrate as you explain the game. Let’s learn to play our game so the excitement can begin building! One at a time, a player from each team will walk quickly to the first pile of cups. Pick one up and return to your team table to build a faith tower. Wait a minute; this seems too easy; let’s make it a little more challenging.

Return to the cup pile and start over. You must balance the cup on the back of your wrist, and return to the line. You can’t use your other hand to steady the cup or hold it against your body. Once you reach the table, lift the cup from your wrist and position it to build the tower in a pyramid shape. The team captain will help as necessary.     

Divide the children into two equal teams. A leader may need to play. 

Choose an older child to be a captain for each team. Explain that each captain will take part in the relay and also supervise building the team tower. If the tower falls, the captain will assist the current player to rebuild it as play continues.

Have the teams form separate lines between the tables.

Determine how many cups should be on the bottom row of each tower after counting the number of cups and players on each team. Alert the captains of this number.  

Say, “Go!” to begin the game. The first player of each team brings a cup back to the table and begins to build the tower. If a cup falls to the floor at any time, it must be placed on the wrist again and play resumes at that point.

The next players may go once the previous player reaches the line. Continue until each player has returned and the tower is built. The first team to do this wins. The other team will continue to build their tower until all players have taken a turn.

You are such good builders! Prayer does build faith! Well, we aren’t done building yet! Have the captains return the cups to the original place on the floor.

You probably wondered why there are two more piles of prayer cups on the floor. We are going to play again; however, this time you will take a cup from all three piles. You must move from one pile to the next and then home by balancing the cups on your wrist. You can place the cups inside one another or any way you choose using only one wrist. Determine the number of cups again for the bottom row based on three cups per player. Alert the captains of this number.

Say “Go!” to begin round two. Players will now take three cups to the table and build a bigger tower. The first team to do this wins. The game will continue until all players have taken a turn and the tower is built.

Conclusion: Wow, look at those towers! How is this tower different from the first tower? This tower is much bigger and taller.

Yes; the more we pray, the more our faith builds! Let’s learn more about how prayer builds faith in our Teaching time.