Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard and marker; or chalkboard and chalk
  • Eraser
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Write the SuperVerse on the board, broken into four numbered sections:

1. As soon as I pray,

2. You answer me;

3. You encourage me

4. by giving me strength.

All: Psalm 138:3

Superbook Breakout: Memorize the SuperVerse with a group activity.

This verse is part of a psalm written by King David. Like Jesus, David was a man of prayer, and his prayers form many of the psalms in the Bible. In this prayer, David is praising and thanking God for answering his prayer and helping him overcome his enemies. God’s answer gave him strength and encouragement. David overcame his fear and his enemies were defeated, so his heart overflows with praise and thankfulness. 

Can you remember a time when you tried to do something for the first time? It could be something like riding a bike or a skateboard; anything you weren’t confident about. Children share.

Now, how did you feel after you did it successfully? More confident, encouraged, excited, less fearful, ready to do it again. 

That’s how it is with prayer; when we pray and God answers, it builds our faith. The more we pray and experience results, the more confidence and desire we have to continue to pray, believing God will answer—even if it isn’t immediately. As we face new situations, we look forward to our time of prayer, knowing that God will hear and answer again and that we are in the presence of Almighty God!

Divide the class into four teams and assign the team numbers, such as:

1. Grades 1–3 girls.

2. Grades 1–3 boys.

3. Grades 4–6 girls.

4. Grades 4–6 boys.

All: Psalm 138:3 

Have each team practice their phrase a couple times, using as much expression as they can in their voices. Then gather the teams together again facing the board. Call out the numbers in order and have each team say their part at the proper time—again, with as much expression in their voices as possible. After two times, erase the board and try it again from memory. Ask if any children think they can say the whole verse alone by memory.