Leader Guide


  • Two medium size boxes or containers  
  • Twenty plastic spoons—include extras for breakage     
  • 60–80 cotton balls or sheets of scrap paper crumpled into balls
  • God’s Kingdom Sign
  • Tape
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app
  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk to keep score
  • Leader or volunteer to keep score

Make two copies of the God’s Kingdom Sign.

Tape a sign to the side of each box.  

Place the containers on opposite ends of the room with signs toward the middle of the room.

The More the Better! It’s harvest time in God’s fields.

If using scrap paper, have the children help crumple all the sheets into paper balls. Scatter the cotton balls or paper balls in the middle of the room between the containers. Do not place any balls within 5 feet of each container. See illustration.   

In Large Group, you were asked to listen carefully as Jesus’ disciples returned after being sent out. They rejoiced that demons obeyed them. Jesus tells them to rejoice in something else instead; what was it? That their names are written or registered in heaven.

Saving the lost is what is most important to God—so important that He sent His only Son Jesus to Earth to die for our sins so we might be saved. Jesus says in Luke 15:7 that heaven rejoices over one lost sinner who repents and turns to God. God’s fields are full of people who need to be part of God’s kingdom. He sends us into His fields to work, and He also tells us to pray for more workers so that no one is lost!        

In this game, you are workers in God’s harvest, and you will go into His field to gather the people represented by the paper balls.

Hold up two spoons—one in each hand—and demonstrate how to play as you speak. To gather the harvest, you will use two spoons to scoop up a ball, then place it into just one spoon. Carry it using only one spoon to the container, which represents God’s kingdom. This is important: once a ball is in one spoon, you must carry it to the container only using that spoon; you cannot touch it again with the other spoon. If a ball falls, pick it up again with both spoons and then put it back onto just one spoon. The goal of the game is for each team to place as many balls as possible into their container in just 1 minute. We will then count the balls in each container and record the score. Do you have any questions?       

Divide the children into teams of one, two and three children.

Two teams will play at one time.

Two teams of different sizes will always play each other. That means two teams of three children, two teams of two children, or two teams with only one child will never play against each other.        

Have each team stand to the side of the playing area.

Select a team of one and a team of two to play. Have the scorekeeper write the team names on the board.

Give each player two spoons and have each team stand beside a different container.    

Set the timer for one minute and say “Go” to start the game.

The first players will “go into the fields” to gather the harvest by picking up the balls using only their spoons and put them into their team’s container. 

At the end of 1 minute, count the balls in each container and record the scores.

Spread the balls on the floor and play again with other teams until all teams have played.   

Conclusion: Did you think it was unusual and even unfair to have different size teams play against each other? Children answer. 

We did this for a reason, to illustrate why it is important to pray for God to send more workers into His fields. Let’s take a look at these scores, which size teams collected the most balls? The teams with two or three players. 

If time permits, play another round with everyone in the class working together, and time how long it takes to clear the field. 

Now let’s learn more about the Lord’s Prayer!