Leader Guide

Maze Activity

  • Harvest Maze 
  • Pencils—one per child
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Make copies of the Harvest Maze, one per child plus extras.

Sent out! Choose the correct paths to reach people for God’s kingdom.

Give each child a copy of the maze and a pencil. Lead a discussion using the Bible passage and questions below as the children complete the activity. 

Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “Jesus sends us out in His name.”

In this maze, there are many people who need to hear about Jesus or to experience God’s love. You are being sent out now to share your faith and God’s love with them. However, before you can do this, you need to find the correct path to each one. 

Jesus was talking to His disciples about God’s harvest in John 4:35–36: 

35 “You know the saying, ‘Four months between planting and harvest.’ But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest. 36 The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life. What joy awaits both the planter and the harvester alike! 

1.  What do you think Jesus meant when He said to wake up and look around? Sometimes we get so busy and focused on ourselves that we miss opportunities to share.

Sometimes we may look only at the outside and decide by how others look or act if they are ready to receive. We need to ask the Holy Spirit to lead us and not go by our own judgment. Only God can see someone’s heart. 

2.  What do you think it means for the fields to be ripe? People are ready to hear and receive the Gospel.

3.  What do you think the wages are in this passage? We have joy, the reward of participating in God’s work, knowing that someone is part of God’s Kingdom and now has eternal life. 

4.  Who do you think the planter and harvester are? The planter is someone who initially shares the Gospelplants the seed of Gods Word. The harvester is one who actually leads them to become a follower or believer in Jesus. 

Conclusion: God has many roles available in His harvest—from serving others and living a godly life, to sharing the Gospel, to leading someone in prayer to receive Jesus as his/her Savior. Let us pray each day for the Holy Spirit to open our spiritual eyes and show us opportunities to share His love. When we do this, we will experience joy here and forever in heaven.