Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard and marker; or chalkboard and chalk
  • Beach ball or other medium-size ball
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Write the SuperVerse on the board including the reference: Psalm 27:14:

Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.

Leave the SuperVerse on the board for prayer time.

Let’s say the SuperVerse together: Psalm 27:14:

Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.

This verse was written by David. Do you remember who he was? The shepherd boy who fought Goliath; the king of Israel.

David wrote this psalm describing how he placed his trust in God for protection from his enemies. They accused David of things that weren’t true, and they wanted to hurt or kill him. David declared his confidence and expectation in God to always protect him and deliver him from his enemies. In this verse, David used two words to tell us how we must be when we wait; what are they? Brave and courageous.

Yes, he was determined to be brave and courageous in God’s strength as he waited patiently for the Lord to answer. With these words, he was encouraging both himself and others to hold onto God. Let’s read the SuperVerse together from the board again. Psalm 27:14:

Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.

Have children stand perpendicular to the board and make one line, side by side, about an arm’s length from the person on both sides.

David encouraged us twice to wait patiently on the Lord. In this activity, we are going to practice waiting patiently.

Have children close their eyes and hold both hands out, palms up, as if to receive a gift or hold something.

To begin, I will give the ball to a player at one end of the line. You won’t know which end I am starting with, so be patient! Players who receive the ball will open their eyes, say a word of the SuperVerse in order, and then walk silently to the opposite end of the line and give the ball to the next player, who repeats the process. Once you have passed the ball, stand where you are, then close your eyes and wait patiently for everyone to have a turn. Everyone should stay alert and listen closely to the words of the SuperVerse as they are spoken aloud so you know what word to say when you receive the ball. You may look at the SuperVerse on the board if you need help.

Be prepared to help children who don’t read well. If everyone didn’t have a chance to participate, repeat the activity, beginning with those children. Afterward, ask: What was it like to wait with your eyes closed and not know when the ball would be given to you? Difficult, boring; exciting, made me anxious or nervous, uncomfortable, difficult not to be impatient.

How is the activity like waiting for an answer to prayer? You don’t know when the answer is coming so you must continue to wait and trust until you receive it from God. We must listen closely, like Mary did, so we don’t miss out on what Jesus is saying—the answer!

Conclusion: David didn’t say how long to wait; he just encouraged us to wait patiently for the Lord. Sometimes our answer comes so quickly that we haven’t even finished praying yet! Sometimes we must wait. No matter how long it takes, we are to trust the Lord patiently.

Younger children may not be able to memorize the entire SuperVerse. Be sure all children understand its meaning.