Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard and marker; or chalkboard and chalk
  • Write the SuperVerse on the board if it is not there already
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Have children sit on the floor in a large circle.

Let’s look at the SuperVerse again on the board. When words are repeated in a Bible passage, it is often to emphasize or bring attention to something that is important. David says something two times in the SuperVerse. Can you tell me what that is? Wait patiently for the Lord.

Why is patience important when we pray? It demonstrates that we trust God and are willing to wait for the answer according to His perfect timing. It shows that we submit to His will and place it above our individual needs at the time.

Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes. I’d like everyone who feels comfortable praying aloud to take turns praying a sentence or two thanking God for hearing and answering our prayers. Allow time for the children to pray aloud.

Close in prayer: Heavenly Father, You heard the children’s prayers of thanksgiving for hearing and answering our prayers. Every prayer that is prayed aloud, whispered, or even thought silently, is heard in heaven. Holy Spirit, please produce patience in us to wait on the Lord and trust Your timing to answer our requests. Give us Your strength to wait bravely and courageously until we receive Your answer. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.