Leader Guide
- True and False Question List
- Four disposable plates: paper, plastic or styrofoam
- Four disposable cups: 18 oz. plastic cups are ideal because they have a larger diameter top
- Table
- Yardstick or measuring stick
- Marker
- Four ping pong balls or plastic golf balls
- Two spoons
- Several coins or stones to add weight to the cups
- Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk to keep score
- Painters tape or masking tape
Make a copy of the True and False Question List.
Write “TRUE” on two plates and “FALSE” on two plates.
Place some coins or stones in each cup.
Place two cups 18" from the table’s front edge.
Place two cups 24" from the table’s front edge.
Martha wanted to serve her important guests a nice dinner. That is why we will use a table, plates, cups, and spoons to play this True and False review game. You will each have not one, but two chances to score points for your team! You can score points by answering the question correctly and also by bouncing balls into the cups on the table.
I will ask the same question to a player on each team. You will answer by holding up a TRUE or FALSE plate. That’s right; you don’t even have to speak! I will then reveal the answer. Then you will try to bounce the balls into the cups. Let’s play!
Divide the children into two equal teams, mixing older and younger children on each team. If teams are unequal, a player may take two turns.
Give a TRUE and FALSE plate to the first player on each team.
Ask a question from the list. Players will hold up one of their plates to answer.
Each correct answer scores five points. For false answers, discuss the correct answer with the children.
Players hand their plates to the next players in line while they do the second part of their turn.
Give a spoon and two balls to the players.
Players stand at the front edge of the table and place one ball in their spoon.
Players will then drop or thrust the ball from their spoons toward the cups.
Balls must bounce at least once on the table before landing in a cup to score points.
Two points are scored for a ball bounced into the back row of cups.
One point is scored for a ball bounced into the front row of cups.
The players’ turn ends and they gather the balls for the next set of players.
Keep score on the board. The team with the most points wins.
- Jesus calls His followers sheep. True.
- Jesus said “The Father and I are twins.” False —“The Father and I are one.”
- The people picked up stones to kill Jesus for doing miracles. False — for claiming to be God.
- Mary and Martha welcomed Jesus into their home. True.
- Mary sat at Jesus’ feet to listen to Him. True.
- Martha told Jesus it was unfair that Mary didn’t help her prepare dinner. True.
- Jesus told Mary to get up and help her sister. False — He commended Mary for her choice.
- Jesus told Mary to be careful because His words could be stolen from her. False — His words could never be taken from her.
- Mary and Martha sent a message to tell Jesus that Lazarus was sick. True.
- When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, He immediately ran to see him. False — He waited 2 days to leave.
- Jesus told the disciples that Lazarus’s sickness would not end in death. True.
- Lazarus’s death happened for the glory of God. True.
- Jesus’ disciples objected to Jesus returning to see Lazarus for fear that people would try to make Him king. False — because they might stone Him.
- Jesus said Lazarus had fallen asleep and He would go to wake him. True.
- By saying Lazarus was asleep, Jesus really meant he had died. True.
- When Jesus arrived in Bethany, Lazarus had already been in the tomb for 7 days. False — 4 days.
- Jesus said that He was the resurrection and the life and all who believe in Him will live. True.
- Jesus refused to weep at Lazarus’s tomb. False — He wept.
- Jesus prayed aloud at the tomb to make sure God heard Him. False — so the people would believe that God sent Him.
- Jesus shouted for Lazarus to come out and Lazarus came out of the tomb still bound in his grave clothes. True.
Conclusion: Did you like having two chances to score points? The true story of Lazarus’s resurrection confirms that Jesus is the source of life! And as Mary learned, time spent with Jesus is the most important thing that we can do!