Leader Guide


  • Twenty empty soda cans or empty water bottles
  • Permanent marker
  • Two tables
  • Four socks
  • Optional: painters tape or masking tape

  • Use the marker to write one number each, from 1 to 10, on a set of 10 cans or bottles.

    Repeat for the second set of cans or bottles.

    Place the tables near one end of the room, leaving several feet of space between them.

    Place a set of cans or bottles on each table—see illustration.

    Mark or tape a spot on the floor approximately 12 to 15 feet away from the table.

    Ball up each individual sock—do not ball socks together.

Temptation Knockdown: Play a game to overcome with Christ’s strength.

If you were here for the previous lesson, what did we learn? Jesus resisted and defeated all of the devil’s temptations. He understands our weaknesses because He was tempted like us but didn’t sin.

Because Jesus experienced and resisted every type of temptation we will face, He is able to help us win against temptation, too!

Let’s say the SuperVerse together. Hebrews 2:18:

And now that Jesus has suffered and was tempted, He can help anyone else who is tempted.

If we are willing to admit that we need help to defeat temptation, Jesus will give us the strength to be victorious. Let’s play a game about overcoming and knocking out some temptations we may face. Each can (or bottle) represents a temptation that we might need Jesus’ strength to overcome.

Divide the children into two teams. Have the teams form single-file lines behind the line or mark.

The first player for each team will step to the line and throw two socks balls, one at a time, to knock down a can—it doesn’t have to fall off the table. Whether or not the player hits a can, the turn ends and the next player takes a turn. Have the players who just tossed the socks retrieve them and give them to the next player on their team. If more than one can is knocked over on a throw, stand any additional cans back up, leaving one can down. Continue the game until all cans are knocked over. The team that does this first wins. Play another round if all children did not get to take at least one turn. When all the cans are knocked over, stand one set of cans back up on a table. Choose a can and read the corresponding numbered temptation from the list. Ask the children to prayerfully consider if this is an area that they have been tempted in. Pause for a moment and then encourage them to resist and overcome with Jesus’ help.

Temptation list corresponding to numbers written on cans or bottles:

  1. Arguing, fighting, or being unkind.
  2. Disobeying rules or instructions.
  3. Stealing.
  4. Putting off chores.
  5. Being prideful and acting superior to others.
  6. Being selfish and not sharing.
  7. Not showing forgiveness and mercy.
  8. Making fun of others.
  9. Gossiping.
  10. Using bad language.

Conclusion: In the world, everyone faces temptation—even Jesus did! But we can defeat each one of them with His help!